Hydrosource CLP 5 oz. packets (25 Pack)

Your Price: $75.00
Part Number:CLP5ozRP25B

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Grind Size help
Powder .5mm
Fine .3mm - 1mm
Medium 1mm - 2mm
Standard 2mm - 4mm

Uses: For lawns, gardens, potted plants and field crops. Additional uses include hydrogarments, hot and cold packs, floral arrangements and many more!

Safety: Hydrosource is harmless to your family and pets. OSHA, the USDA and numerous university studies have determined Hydrosource CLP  to be non-hazardous. It benefits the environment by holding nutrients in the soil preventing them from contaminating ground water and waterways! Slippery when wet!

Directions: See the Application Chart and find your intended use. Choose the appropriate grind size. In general, salty soils reduce water holding capacity and require more Hydrosource CLP and higher percolation rates require smaller grind sizes to insure full hydration.

Storage: Keep dry and out of direct sunlight.

Usage: Mix Hydrosource dry or hydrated in the top 6-8 inches of soil. Pre-hydrated is the preferred method for containers and pots or individual plantings such as shrubs and trees. The crystals are first hydrated which prevents the displacement of plantings or changes in grade as the crystals expand with water. Hydrosource CLP is used dry, mixed or tilled directly into soil for large applications such as lawns and fields. Remember to consider expansion.

Measurements: One 5oz. bag makes about 3.5 gallons (0.45 cu. ft.) of hydrated gel. Hard water will reduce the water holding capacity. See enclosed directions or call for details.

Contains: 25 5 oz. Bags

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